Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Struggling with Scala as a DSL

Scala was created to be a Scaleable Language.  I'm trying to figure out how well Scala has delivered on this promise.  To me, a language is scalable if it is useful for creating Domain-Specific programming languages (DSL's).  I've been going through examples and trying things on my own.  Here is a good example:  http://debasishg.blogspot.com/2008/05/designing-internal-dsls-in-scala.html


  1. I've learned a lot as a result of this struggle. I am creating a DSL for a pretend airline ticketing system. See git@heroku.com:pure-eyrie-3826.git

  2. Hi friend iam also joined p2pu community find me @drvipinlalt

  3. Thanks for introducing yourself.
